Brief History Of The School
Parwat Public Secondary School is situated in the outskirt of GATE
(UTTARAKHAND) amidst rich greenery and sere
atmosphere, away from the maddening rush, hustle bustle
the city.
The school was established in 2004 by the Parwat
Public School Society, providing an atmosphere that
carefully nurtures Indian culture and tradition. The school
envisages the growth of every student into an intelligent
responsible and productive global citizen.
True education is the manifestation of the perfection that
already exists in a child"
Swami Vivekananda.
Every student in PPS is given an opportunity to acquire
knowledge, develop basic and special skills to inculcate
good values and positive traits for the overall development
his/her personality. The philosophy of PPS is to facilitate
development of the potential of every student to the fullest
so that he/she may lead a life of quality. The mission of Pr
to prepare every pupil to face the changing world to ours
excellence and eventually prosper in any walk of life.